Anti-Hustle Your Way to Productivity in Just 1 Minute a Day

For the productivity rebel who wants to power up their work without losing their humanity (and sanity), Power Punch is the newsletter that’ll help you kick ass with soul.
It’s 100% free + you’ll be rockin and rollin by the morning!

    A Tropical Oasis Nestled In Your Inbox

    “I created the Power Punch Project to help introduce ways of approaching work that’s sustainable, feels fresh, and addresses the fact that we’re dynamic humans —not robots, an oversight in most productivity systems. Too many friends as well as myself are left burnt [out] to a crisp in today’s hustle-driven world. There’s a better way to get things done that feels good, invokes joy, and still makes you money.” 

    —Tai Le, founder of the Power Punch Project, writer at Pho for Breakfast, Recovering Workaholic + Perfectionist, 12+ years in startup and enterprise tech space

    Reinvent Your Work & Enjoy Life More

    Shift your paradigm with productivity and get things done with the same effortlessness as sipping Mai Tais (non-alcoholic, of course) in the balcony of your Hawaiian ocean-front beach house. With just 1 minute a day, you’ll learn to ditch the grind culture and prioritize what really matters most, your LIFE ENERGY.

    Hustle Less, Get More Results

    Ever feel like you’re running a race against the clock? There’s only so much time in the day to work that 9-5 job, build your side business (in hopes of making it a full-time business), be a dependable, trustworthy father, mother, son, daughter, romantic partner, play with your kids and/or puppies, wash the dishes, mow the lawn, fix the leaky faucet—meanwhile struggling with ADHD, neurodivergence, endless distractions—ALL while being expected to do everything with the quality of a high performance rockstar. There’s got to be a better way, right? There is.

    Be Inspired, Be Weird, Be Bold

    We curate the most mind-bending insights, knowledge, and wisdom from great modern thinkers, creative artists and ancient sages whose words have stood the test of time and send it to you all neatly packaged and tied in a cute bow every morning (except for the work balance duh). It’s a daily dose of that immunity booster juice you need to sparkle your day and get you in a healthy mindset for your daily endeavors. 

    Kindle that Spark of Life Back

    If you do work, this is for you. The worker at a 9-5 job, the solopreneur (or aspiring), the full-time parent, the self-employed freelancer, the semi-thriving artist (you know who you are). If you’ve lost that zest in your work, that pep in your step, that oomph in your being, then this is for you. If doing any kind of work feels like a chore—yep, you guessed it—this is for you. Within 1 minute a day, you’ll receive a refreshing new lens on work right at your fingertips.